Office worker injuries: It’s more dangerous than you realize
Published: October 1, 2022

Office worker injuries: It’s more dangerous than you realize

You work in an office, so it’s certainly not like you face the same kinds of hazards that first responders, medical workers or construction crews do – but that doesn’t mean that your job is actually free of danger.

Office workers can (and do) end up injured all the time. Sometimes, those injuries can turn quite serious. Here are some of the top workplace injuries you can expect:

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Do you type all day on your computer? Do you sort mail? Do you do a lot of filing? All that action by your hands and wrists can end up damaging the delicate fibers in your median nerve, which runs from your forearm to your wrist and hand. Called carpal tunnel syndrome, it can cause swelling, pain, problems with your fine motor skills and more.

Cubital tunnel syndrome

Do you rest your elbows on a desk while you read, type or write? You may end up compressing the ulnar nerves that run past your elbow and experience numbness, pain and dysfunction in the last two fingers of your hand.

Slips, trips and falls

A lot of offices get messy and disorganized, especially if they aren’t open to the public. You can spend half your day stepping over stray electrical cords, avoiding bare patches or tears in the carpet tiles and trying to walk around stacks of boxes or files – until you get distracted and slip, trip or fall. It’s easy to end up with broken wrists, arms or hips after such an event.

Assaults by disgruntled members of the public

Depending on what you do, you may have regular interactions with the public, and people aren’t always reasonable when they have a problem with your office or your work. In these uncertain times, it’s not uncommon to end up the victim of an assault just because you asked someone to comply with office policies.

If you get hurt at work, you have every right to expect workers’ compensation to cover your medical care and provide some replacement wages. If your claim isn’t going well, find out how legal guidance can help.



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